News about weird and bizarre happenings from around the world.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Ghost hunters to stake out site of 1910 train disaster

Listen and look carefully, some say, and the past still is present at the lost town of Wellington.

Voices seem to whisper among the branches. They may speak of the tragedy a century ago when a wall of snow swept away more than 96 lives.

Shadows linger where the town once stood, where trains once rumbled, where the nation's worst avalanche disaster swept rail cars away like leaves on the wind.

Today, all that's left of Wellington are a few derelict buildings, the hollow of the old Cascade Tunnel and, some ghost hunters say, the busy bustle of spirits.

“It's very active,” said Vaughn Hubbard, 62, a Monroe researcher and historian with the Northwest Paranormal Investigation Agency.

The site of the avalanche disaster is ranked by ghost hunters as one of the top three haunted locations in the state.

Read more here.

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