News about weird and bizarre happenings from around the world.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Strange Lights Over Stonehaven

Aircraft enthusiasts were left “puzzled” by an unexplained sequence of orange lights which passed across the sky above Stonehaven on Saturday night.

They described the sight as eight orange balls sped through the sky at three-minute intervals at the same speed and the same height.

Dan Paton and Graham Philip and their respective wives, Marie and Aileen, had just left the Carron restaurant in Stonehaven when they saw the first of the lights at about 8.30pm.

Mr Paton, curator of the Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre, said: “It was an orange light that came towards us, passed us and then disappeared. It was moving in a north-west to south-east direction over Stonehaven and out to sea.

Read more here.

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